Surf Forecast Surf Report

Surf Forecast & Surf Reports for MALDIVES

Surf forecasts and surf reports for the best beach breaks, reefs and point breaks in Maldives. The Surf Spots are grouped into regions and the Wave Finder tool suggests the best spots for Surfing in Maldives each day based on the local surf forecasts.

Maldives Wavefinder
Swell with favourable wind conditions

Maldives wave energy surf 12 hr forecast

Forecast Wave Energy (Power): 12hrs

Huvadhoo Atoll

Airports Castaways Love Charms
Antiques Five Islands Tiger Stripes
Beacons KH Two Ways
Blue Bowls Koodhoo Viligili

North Male Atoll

Bedhuge Kadu Ninja's
Chickens Kudahuvadhoo Pasta Point
Colas (Cokes) Lohi's Six Senses Laamu
Furana Maabaidhoo left Sultans
Gurus (Gulhi) Maabaidhoo Right Veymandhoo Right (Adonis)
Honkeys Male Yin Yang
Jailbreaks Mikados (Outside)

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