Surf Forecast Surf Report

Surf Forecast & Surf Reports for VANUATU

Surf forecasts and surf reports for the best beach breaks, reefs and point breaks in Vanuatu. The Surf Spots are grouped into regions and the Wave Finder tool suggests the best spots for Surfing in Vanuatu each day based on the local surf forecasts.
Vanuatu wave energy surf 12 hr forecast

Forecast Wave Energy (Power): 12hrs


Black Sands Beach Forari Mine Lefts and Rights Sea River
Boats High Doggies Shark Bay Rivermouth (and Reef)
Bobs Hopscotch Soumabal Point
British Beach Ifira Island Takara
British Beach Lava Rock Tapi Point
Crazy Tree Mangea Reefs (The Channel Island) Teouma Bay
Devils Point Nagar The Sequel
Doggies No Boats Triplets
Erakor Island Pango Point White Cows
Erakor Point Pounders
Fast Lefts Rusty Barrel

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