Anse de Cabestan Reviews and Ratings
(Finistere – Brittany, France)
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Visitor reviews of Anse de Cabestan surf break
(NOTE: Reviews may be edited by our content team for the purposes of ensuring accurate and relevant information)
“This spot named here as Anse de Cabestan is if I follow the map the Bay of Le Loch. The Anse de Cabestan is the same spot Location known as St. Tugen/Trez ar Goarem. Don't know who rated Anse de Cabestan/ Le Loch, but I like to mention that I am living since 4 years a 2 min walk away of this beach and I had max 5 sessions! Le Loch needs very big swell before it is surfable. Reasons are several reefs and a long jetty which shelters the bay. Main spot is a beach in the center of the bay but related to the tide and the shape of the seabed the window for good surf conditions is short - about an hour. Best is 1,5 hs before and after hig tide. On the western coast of Le Loch bay there are two more reefbreaks wich are much more consistent than the main beach. Both reefs are producing righthanders the inner reef is a good idea when the break is everywhere around too big. This break is also good sheltered against westerly winds. The outer reef produces good and steep righthanders but it is a lon walk with a final rockclimb to enter the spot. This spot is affected by west winds.
It is never crowded there, and the biggest number of surfers I saw in the last four years were five people! It is not reliable, the working conditions for this spot are very rare - when it works the timewindow is limited. Best spot is the inner reef.”
gerhard from FRANCE - 10 Oct 2016
Anse de Cabestan Ratings
Overall: 4.0. Based on 1 vote and 1 review. Vote
Quality on a good day: 4.0(1 star: Even when the swell and winds are optimum, the waves are poor quality, 5 stars: If conditions are right, the waves will be World Class). |
Consistency of Surf: 3.0(1: Anse de Cabestan is a fickle surf spot that only works a few times a year. 5: Reliable year-round spot). |
Difficulty Level: 3.0(1: Suitable for Groms. 3: Intermediates. 5: Expert tow-in surfers only). |
Water Quality: 2.0(1: Known health risks from pollution. 5: Never any pollution). |
Crowds: 2.0(1: Often too crowded. 5: Anse de Cabestan is an isolated spot where you are unlikely to meet other surfers). |
Access: 5.0(1: Getting to Anse de Cabestan requires an overland expedition or chartering a boat. 3: A 30 minute walk from the nearest parking. 5: Park a vehicle right by the break). |