Wave buoys close to China Walls
(Oahu, USA)
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For each wave buoy we keep two record sets: an hour record and the long-range 6 hourly one.
Wave buoys nearest to China Walls: |
1. | Mokapu Point, HI | last 18 hours, hourly | last 5 days, each 6hr | 11 mi |
2. | Kaneohe Bay, WETS, HI | last 18 hours, hourly | last 5 days, each 6hr | 15 mi |
3. | Kaneohe Bay Buoy | last 18 hours, hourly | last 5 days, each 6hr | 15 mi |
4. | Pearl Harbor Entrance, HI | last 18 hours, hourly | last 5 days, each 6hr | 16 mi |
5. | Barbers Point Buoy, Kalaeloa | last 18 hours, hourly | last 5 days, each 6hr | 29 mi |