Nambucca Heads Reviews and Ratings
(Port Macquarie, Australia)
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Visitor reviews of Nambucca Heads surf break
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(NOTE: Reviews may be edited by our content team for the purposes of ensuring accurate and relevant information)Nambucca Heads Ratings
Overall: 2.0. Based on 2 votes. Vote
Quality on a good day: 2.5(1 star: Even when the swell and winds are optimum, the waves are poor quality, 5 stars: If conditions are right, the waves will be World Class). |
Consistency of Surf: 3.0(1: Nambucca Heads is a fickle surf spot that only works a few times a year. 5: Reliable year-round spot). |
Difficulty Level: 1.0(1: Suitable for Groms. 3: Intermediates. 5: Expert tow-in surfers only). |
Onshore Wind: 3.0(1: even a light onshore ruins the surf. 5: Nambucca Heads can offer better rides with a light wind behind them). |
Wind and Kite Surfing: 5.0(1: An unsuitable spot. 5: Wind and wave conditions at Nambucca Heads are often excellent). |
Water Quality: 3.0(1: Known health risks from pollution. 5: Never any pollution). |
Crowds: 4.0(1: Often too crowded. 5: Nambucca Heads is an isolated spot where you are unlikely to meet other surfers). |
Access: 4.0(1: Getting to Nambucca Heads requires an overland expedition or chartering a boat. 3: A 30 minute walk from the nearest parking. 5: Park a vehicle right by the break). |
Scenery: 5.0(1: An ugly industrial backdrop. 5: A spectacular setting). |
Local Attitude: 4.0(1: Locals are hostile to visitors. 5: Either there are no locals who surf, or else they are accommodating and friendly). |
Accommodation: 3.0(1: No convenient places to stay indoors. 5: A wide variety of accommodation near Nambucca Heads for all budgets from hostels to luxury hotels). |
Camping: 4.0(1: Camping at Nambucca Heads is not possible. 3: Camping tolerated but no facilities. 5: A nearby camp ground has excellent facilities and a good vibe). |
Entertainment: 2.0(1: Besides the surf and the solitude there is nothing to do when it is flat. 5: Nambucca Heads is in such an interesting area to visit that getting wet is a bonus). |
Equipment and Repairs: 4.0(1: Nothing can be sourced, not even wax. 5: Quality surfing equipment can be purchased or hired. Major repairs can be fixed too). |
Eating: 4.0(1: Bring your own food, there isn't even a shop. 5: A wide variety of places to eat and drink at Nambucca Heads, from fast food and cafes to fancy restaurants). |
Drinking: 5.0(1: Alcohol is not allowed in the country. 5: There is an excellent pub near Nambucca Heads where you can stay or park a camper van overnight). |