Punta De Mita Reviews and Ratings
(Nayarit, Mexico)
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Visitor reviews of Punta De Mita surf break
(NOTE: Reviews may be edited by our content team for the purposes of ensuring accurate and relevant information)
“Have just returned from 5 weeks at Punta Mita.
Last surfed La Lancha in Xmas/New Year 2008 before the road was constructed. Most days there were 3 or 4 surfers.
This year the first day 53 surfers. 3 Surf schools including one from Sayulita. Mictlan SUP surf school learning in the main break takeoff area. Ridiculous.
I still enjoyed my surfs here and had plenty of waves but it has become a victim of easy access & reliable, enjoyable waves.
Surfed El Anclote & Stinkys in Punta Mita when they were working & Stinkys in particular was fun with very few out.
I love this area (the food, relaxed lifestyle etc) which is why I travel from Australia but visited San Jose del Cabos last year (Costa Azul) where you can walk into the water from your accommodation with 3 breaks out front so would probably prefer to return there.”
Shane from AUSTRALIA - 27 Jan 2014
Punta De Mita Ratings
Overall: 3.0. Based on 6 votes and 4 reviews. Vote
Quality on a good day: 3.5(1 star: Even when the swell and winds are optimum, the waves are poor quality, 5 stars: If conditions are right, the waves will be World Class). |
Consistency of Surf: 3.2(1: Punta De Mita is a fickle surf spot that only works a few times a year. 5: Reliable year-round spot). |
Regional Rating: 2.6(1: Punta De Mita is usually very poor quality compared to other spots in Nayarit. 5: the best break in Nayarit). |
Difficulty Level: 1.8(1: Suitable for Groms. 3: Intermediates. 5: Expert tow-in surfers only). |
Onshore Wind: 4.0(1: even a light onshore ruins the surf. 5: Punta De Mita can offer better rides with a light wind behind them). |
Other Options: 3.2(1: If wind or tide conditions are poor at Punta De Mita, it will be poor everywhere nearby. 5: other locations nearby provide a rich variety of wind and swell exposures). |
Wind and Kite Surfing: 1.3(1: An unsuitable spot. 5: Wind and wave conditions at Punta De Mita are often excellent). |
Water Quality: 2.6(1: Known health risks from pollution. 5: Never any pollution). |
Crowds: 3.2(1: Often too crowded. 5: Punta De Mita is an isolated spot where you are unlikely to meet other surfers). |
Access: 3.7(1: Getting to Punta De Mita requires an overland expedition or chartering a boat. 3: A 30 minute walk from the nearest parking. 5: Park a vehicle right by the break). |
Scenery: 3.6(1: An ugly industrial backdrop. 5: A spectacular setting). |
Local Attitude: 3.0(1: Locals are hostile to visitors. 5: Either there are no locals who surf, or else they are accommodating and friendly). |
Accommodation: 4.0(1: No convenient places to stay indoors. 5: A wide variety of accommodation near Punta De Mita for all budgets from hostels to luxury hotels). |
Camping: 1.8(1: Camping at Punta De Mita is not possible. 3: Camping tolerated but no facilities. 5: A nearby camp ground has excellent facilities and a good vibe). |
Entertainment: 2.6(1: Besides the surf and the solitude there is nothing to do when it is flat. 5: Punta De Mita is in such an interesting area to visit that getting wet is a bonus). |
Equipment and Repairs: 3.6(1: Nothing can be sourced, not even wax. 5: Quality surfing equipment can be purchased or hired. Major repairs can be fixed too). |
Eating: 3.6(1: Bring your own food, there isn't even a shop. 5: A wide variety of places to eat and drink at Punta De Mita, from fast food and cafes to fancy restaurants). |
Drinking: 3.0(1: Alcohol is not allowed in the country. 5: There is an excellent pub near Punta De Mita where you can stay or park a camper van overnight). |
“We have a good time here on both paddle and surf boards. The great thing about the ocean, it's for everybody. Just be kind to others in the line up. Those who now crawl may someday learn to stand.”
wilson from UNITED STATES - 01 Mar 2012
“Enough with the paddle boarders go north. Time to except the fact that paddle boarding is here to stay and you will have to share the waves.
Its a great place to surf paddle board for beginners and advanced.
Have fun”
northern fire from CANADA - 17 Jan 2012
“I hesistate to post this because then it will be crowded but OMG when a swell comes in this place its AWESOME, rolling glassy waves, NO PEOPLE about 80% of the time I was the ONLY surfer here, and happy happy. Long boarders heaven, paddle boarders go North please...this perfect surfers area in the Winter. Easy fun surfing compared to Australia, and Costa Rica, all of which I have surfed...clean clean water...great people grilled garlic lobster every day for lunch, yummy!”
Dr. Kim Lowrey from UNITED STATES - 15 Jan 2012