Surf Forecast Surf Report

Current weather conditions and live observations for Werri Point based on the nearest weather station observations (including METAR, SYNOP, ship and quickscat wind data). This is the most reliable place on to see what is happening with the weather in Werri Point right now. Also check out the current weather map overlays on our dynamic weather maps.

Current Weather near Werri Point

as reported by 5 closest weather stations

Weather Station WeatherWindGustsTemp.Visibility
Visibility /

Kiama (Bombo Headland)

6.2 miles NNE52 ft above sea level

1 hour ago
no report
wind obs. (11 kph from 280 degs) was rejected
(NaN mph at -°)
52 °F-


Wollongong Airport

13.1 miles NW26 ft above sea level

1 hour ago
light winds from the W
(4 mph at 280°)
- °F-


Port Kembla Ntc Aws

19.3 miles NNE0 ft above sea level

1 hour ago
wind obs. (7 kph from 260 degs) was rejected
(NaN mph at -°)
- °F-


Nowra Ran Air Station Aws

22.4 miles SSW345 ft above sea level

1 hour ago
wind obs. (6 kph from 190 degs) was rejected
(NaN mph at -°)
- °F-


Point Perpendicular Aws

24.2 miles S276 ft above sea level

1 hour ago
(NaN mph at -°)
- °F-

Bellambi Automatic Weather Station

25.5 miles NNE33 ft above sea level

1 hour ago
wind obs. (9 kph from 280 degs) was rejected
(NaN mph at -°)
- °F-


Jervis Bay Airfield Aws

28.6 miles S62 ft above sea level

1 hour ago
wind obs. (11 kph from 270 degs) was rejected
(NaN mph at -°)
- °F-


DZ Sydney

37.3 miles NW656 ft above sea level

1 hour ago
(0 mph at 58°)
65 °F-


37.3 miles NNE574 ft above sea level

1 hour ago
light winds from the NE
(4 mph at 39°)
68 °F-

Holsworthy Defence Aws

46 miles N499 ft above sea level

1 hour ago
wind obs. (7 kph from 170 degs) was rejected
(NaN mph at -°)
- °F-

* NOTE: not all weather observatories update at the same frequency which is the reason why some locations may show data from stations that are further away than known closer ones. We also include passing Ship data if it is recorded close to Werri Point and within an acceptable time window.
